Friends, we need your assistance. The Riviera Village Association (RVA) is thrilled with the positive response the parklets program has received from the community. The RVA, humbly asks for your help in supporting work the RVA has funded thus far. A GoFundMe has been created to collect donations that will aid in continuing and expanding The Riviera Village parklets program.
We all win with parklets – businesses get to operate, our City can partially restore its vital sales tax base, and as customers – we get a safe, healthy, and fun place to eat out! Tanya Collins, owner of Creative Designs a retail shop, also offering interior design services, said of the parklets, “We would be dead without our thriving restaurants – without them, no one would come to The Village.” Tanya’s observation is why parklets are so important to the entirety of Riviera Village.
The RVA Business Improvement District (BID) has subsidized the initial upfront costs of the parklets in collaboration with he BeachLife Festival and several small contributors. However, funds are critically low; your help is needed to keep the program moving – so more Village businesses can partake in this opportunity … which, quite literally, is essential for their survival. The GoFundMe campaign page has the details. Please have a look and consider donating. Your generosity (no matter the amount) is sincerely appreciated.
Please donate: Riviera Village Support Fund
Thank you for your support!